If you’re sick of  feeling completely overwhelmed by all of the information out there when it comes to weight loss and you’re ready for a clear plan and lasting results then it’s time for a better way!

Let's Do This!

Let Me Guess..  You're struggling to see results despite eating healthy and exercising.



After spending years helping busy women just like you with weight loss, what I quickly learned was that the key to lasting results was not only a solid plan but the knowledge and education to stick with it long-term.

Understanding the WHY is the most important (and foundational thing) you’ll ever learn for your health. I see so many women jumping from diet to diet believing they have to restrict themselves to lose weight but in fact, it's the exact opposite. 

With carb cycling you can enjoy all of the foods you love just in the right way and at the right time making it possible to not only lose the weight but keep it off for good because you're not overhauling your life, restricting or giving up the foods you enjoy. 

But instead, you're learning to work with your body, ignite your metabolism and enjoy the process of creating a lasting healthy lifestyle that allows you to look and feel your absolute best! 

I'm ready to quit dieting.
6 Training Modules Designed to Help You Not Only Understand What to Do But Why You're Doing It. 
50+ Training Videos and Bonuses to Set You Up for Success and Help You Navigate Roadblocks.
Accountability Through Our Customized Tracker. 
Meal Planning Education + Access to 1,200 Simple and Healthy Recipes So You Can Learn to Enjoy Food Again.

"Carb Cycling Kickstart is your step-by-step guide to kickstart fat loss using Carb Cycling."

Does this sound like you?

◆  You're ready for a change but don't know where to start.

◆  Life is busy and you need real-life solutions. 

◆  Healthy eating has always meant hangry. You're ready for a healthier relationship with food.

◆  Lack of planning means you're always scrambling for meals at work and on the go.

◆  You know you could be successful if you had a step-by-step plan. 

I'm in!


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Laura B. 

I have been watching my weight for years upon years and tried lots of the fad diets as well but I never felt totally satisfied with my appearance or how I felt physically. I was always tired, run down and I figured that was due to age (I am quickly approaching the big 5-0) because I knew I was “eating right.”  My approach to food, cooking for me and my family and my overall nutritional and physical health changed dramatically for the better.  What I thought I knew about nutrition was not completely off base but it was also not at all on the right track for my goals. Kate’s knowledge and experience are absolutely priceless. The support she provides as you go through your transformation is invaluable. I have hit my goal weight, lost 3 inches off my hips, lost 2.5 inches off my waist, 2 inches off my chest.  Knowledge is power and Kate gives you that and it’s yours forever. I have developed an increase in motivation to learn more about food, its nutritional values and how to prepare them in a way that my whole family enjoys my cooking. I have learned what “eating right” truly is and what it can do for me and my family. I am no longer standing by ‘watching my weight’ I am making it happen! It has taken me well beyond my initial expectations and goals for the program. I feel empowered to do more and be more-Kate gave me the tools and guidance and now I will continue on my journey to be the healthiest version of me.

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Hailey M.

I know you hear it all the time, if I can stick to this program, so can you. It’s seriously true! Is it hard? Yes. Does it take work? Yes. Does it quickly become routine? Yes. If you stick to it, will you see results? Yes! I need accountability. I need meal guidance that doesn’t feel restrictive, that allows for wine, an occasional sweet treat, and meals out. I need to know that if today isn’t great, tomorrow will be better.  I am the fittest and strongest I have ever been. I’m more confident and I am generally in a better mood. This has become my new lifestyle, and I’m excited to see where it continues to take me.


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Gina D.

What else is there to say aside from, you should enroll in this  program. I have been over weight my whole life, at healthy, was involved in sports, thought it was normal kid baby weight that would go away & then I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that affected my thyroid and things started making a bit more sense. I tried crazy dieting trends, worked out a bunch, counted calories - everything, and nothing seemed to work. I lost a fair bit of weight in college, but as soon as I graduated to a desk job, all the weight I had lost found its way back. Again, I tried diets, I worked out everyday of the week, I ate SO healthy, and nothing. It was normal for me to have my weight fluctuate 15-20lbs per week & I was frustrated and sad and angry.Kate helped me take what I already knew about eating healthy & working out and put those pieces together so they were helping me lose weight and gain muscles instead of being counteractive. I just finished my 12 weeks, I am stronger and leaner now, heck I’m down to the weight I was when I started my job 3 years ago. I learned so much about food pairings, learned more DELICIOUS recipes, added in some challenging workouts - not to mention Kate helped me reduce my stress level (which was big for me as a tax accountant during busy season). There is no end to the list of positive things I have to say about this program.

What if I told you there was a better way?

Picture this...

You're no longer jumping from diet to diet but instead you confidently understand how to fuel your body in the right way to reach your goals without having to restrict and overhaul your life. 

That is what is possible when you learn how to leverage the power of macros and carb cycling for lasting results. 



Carb Cycling Kickstart

A step-by-step guide on how to utilize my favorite nutritional strategy, Carb Cycling for lasting weight loss results without overhauling your life or giving up the foods you love.


Carb Cycling Kickstart Self Paced Program

At the end of the self paced program you will

  • Understand how your metabolism works and how weight loss actually happens.

  • Learn how to calculate your own custom numbers so you know EXACTLY how to eat to reach your goals.

  • Have a clear understanding of carb cycling and the science behind it as well as how to make it work for you in your individual life.

  • Go from overwhelmed to confident when it comes to nutrition and meal planning. 

  • Stop dieting and begin creating a long-term healthy lifestyle you can stick to. 

  • Lifetime access to the trainings so you can go at your own pace. 
  • Optional Customized Check Ins.
Get Instant Access
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Client Wins

“I was really nervous to start because I’ve tried and failed so many diets before, but I am SO HAPPY that I started it. This program has completely changed the way I look at food, and opened my eyes to how I was wrong about what I thought was “healthy” eating before. Kate’s recipes are delicious. I never once felt like I was depriving myself.  The accountability is ABSOLUTELY the biggest reason I was able to be successful. I’m excited about my results.”

Mackenzie J.


Hi, I'm Kate. 

Certified Nutrition Coach and Chef.


I'm insanely passionate about helping busy women achieve their health and weight loss goals while uncovering the healthiest and happiest version of themselves. I believe you can look and feel the way that you've always wanted without giving up the foods you love.

Let's transform your health.

A Sneak Peak of What’s Inside


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After 6 weeks you will understand the science behind carb-cycling and how to utilize this nutritional strategy to burn stubborn fat and reach your goals.


Here's what we will be covering each week: 


Week 1 - Understanding Metabolism + Macros --> this is where you'll gain a deeper understanding of how your metabolism works, discover your maintenance calories and learn exactly how to use macros to reach your goals. 


Week 2 - All About Carb Cycling --> this week is where you'll learn how carb cycling works and discover how to set up your completely customized carb cycle. 


Week 3 - Implement what You've Learned So Far --> now that you understand how fat loss works, have your custom macros and began carb cycling it's time to focus on taking what you've learned and take action so you can dial in on your goals.   


Week 4 - Overcoming Challenges --> I want you to become unstoppable when it comes to reaching your goals so we're going to dive into any challenges that might pop up along this journey and give you tips to navigate them successfully! 


Week 5 -  Meal Planning --> this is one of the most important skills when it comes to staying on track and feeling at ease and confident going into each busy week. I dive into how to meal plan and share all of my tips and tricks to make it simple and sustainable in your busy life. 


Week 6 - Lifestyle Habits --> if you truly want to stick with the changes you've made long term it's time to make them habits. I dive into habit creation and which habits to focus on for the greatest impact.


At the end of the six weeks you'll feel confident in what to do to lose weight and keep it off so that you can truly look and feel your best. 

I'm IN!

I know your life is busy... 

Which is why I made this program self-paced. So there's no rush to the finish line but instead taking action and implementing what you learn on your own agenda. Because I know once you start taking steps towards your goals you'll create the momentum you need to keep going. You also have lifetime access to the materials so you can keep coming back to it as you need to.